Rev. Canon Captain William Ongeng
For many years, Captain Ongeng had lived in a debt- borrowed from a bank to help him build a toilet where he lives. This meant that his salary had to be deducted every month and that really scared him. He had not built a personal house in his ancestral home although he had desired to maintain his status in the community. As a Church worker, he lived in church houses all along. When he went through the program, he was really encouraged by the realization that financial freedom can be attained using biblical principles. He not only committed to repaying his debts but went the extra mile to start saving so as to meet his own family’s need - a house at home.
Rev. Capt. Ongeng together with his wife agreed that the wife goes to live for some time in the village during COVID-19 while he remained to serve in Kampala. For a period of 4 Months, he was able to save and send money to his wife at home and they managed to build a house on his ancestral land. “We started off with making bricks and today I am glad to say that we have a house- our own house where my wife and I and children can sleep peacefully when we visit our village. We have the freedom to open or close. We have the freedom to visit our ancestral home without fear of being looked down upon by relatives and neighbors.
I no longer sleep in my relative’s kitchen with chicken or ask for my people to accommodate me. My wife is happy to go home because she now knows that she is going to enter her own house. She now has freedom. I have freedom. We have freedom. SInce attending F4, I am a better stewards of God given resources - being able to save, track expenditures and invest in valuable lifelong items like a house in the village.”